Selected Projects

Organic Agri - diversity in 1.1 cents of land

We have been observant and came up with a plan that everyone can practice, with little space, using our farm produces. Our effort is to reduce the overdependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, efficiently utilizing the already scarce agricultural areas. We have tried to develop an inclusive model from finding suitable fertile land, planting seeds, and procuring the farm needs to irrigation techniques. Apart from the traditional methods, we propose raising beds, hydroponics farming, terrace farming, aquaponics farming, aeroponics farming, etc.

Wild vegetable cultivation

Vegetables naturally grown in fields are called wild vegetables. These plants come without being planted in nature. Wild varieties of vegetables are used to develop new types. Every vegetable is rich in minerals, iron, fiber, etc.

Cannon Gun

To solve human-animal conflict without loss to any life, we have conceptualized a CANNON GUN. This is manufactured with PVC pipes, calcium carbonite, gas lighters, etc.

Protected cultivation of capsicum

We are planting capsicum in our Shednet. Capsicum is in great demand in urban markets. It spread new modern technology of agriculture to farmers of the local area. Protected cultivation protects plants from rain, wind, and high temperature. Our project approach is to sustain agriculture.

Multimodal portable agricultural garden

The primary aim of our plan and proposal is to create a multidimensional and portable vegetable garden, which is a closed vertical system. Our study hypothesizes that cycling metabolites between closed farming systems help create autonomous units with minimum waste, less energy expenditure, and better yield. The study's main objective is to combine fish culture with vegetable cultivation, which supplies most greens in households and recreation.

Green bliss

As youngsters, we bring forward a small and compassionate model that will inspire and bring people back to effective and efficient farming methods and practices. Our inclusive model aims to produce non-toxic vegetables in the most harmless and sustainable ways. Avoiding the dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, we intend on using the animal droppings and vermicompost for our farm as the manures. For a healthy survival and disease-free life, we propose this model of ours.

Agri diversity in 1 cent farming

The after-effects of Flood and Covid 19 made the farming and economy suffer. In this context, integrated farming through integrated methods is very significant and relevant as if the agricultural in One Cent of land can be tested, this could be projected to10 cents and then to one acre as a solution to the difficulties faced by the communities. For this, we will take a new approach as the combination of new-gen farming like Hydroponic farming, Aquaponic farming, Vertical farming, Wick farming, and Aquatic farming in a systematic way in the one-cent land.

Vertical farming

Agriculture faces ever-increasing input costs for farming, scarcity of cultivable land, migration of farming communities, and Urbanization. So our new concept is about tackling this problem by VERTICAL FARMING multi-LAYER FARMING. Just like in cities, multi-level apartments solve space issues, similarly vertical farming also provides an alternative to traditional agriculture. Vertical farming involves modern scientific techniques.